How many vacancies are there in SBI PO 2023? Know the details.

How many vacancies are there in SBI PO 2023? Know the details.

SBI PO Vacancies for UR (General Category): There are 810 vacancies

UR Category

OBC (Other Backward Classes): A total of 540 vacancies are reserved for candidates falling under the OBC category, ensuring inclusivity in the recruitment process.

OBC Category

EWS (Economically Weaker Sections): There are 200 vacancies exclusively for candidates belonging to the EWS category

EWS Category

SC (Scheduled Caste): 300 vacancies have been allocated for candidates from the Scheduled Caste community.

SC Category

ST (Scheduled Tribe): 150 vacancies have been announced for SBI PO 2023 Recruitment

ST Category

Know what is the age limit for SBI PO 2023 recruitment. Click below link

Read Full Detail about SBI PO 2023 Click below link

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