IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks State-Wise Released | See Here

IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks State-Wise Released

IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks Released: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has recently announced the reserve list for IBPS RRB Clerk Recruitment Examination, popularly known as CRP RRB-XII. The reserved list contains the names of the candidates who have qualified for the online main examination for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose). IBPS has carefully outlined the state-wise cut-off marks, providing transparency and clarity for candidates from different regions. These cut-off scores serve as an important benchmark to determine the eligibility of candidates for the reserved list. This development brings relief and excitement to the candidates who were eagerly waiting for their results, which is an important milestone in their banking career journey.

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IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks

IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List is not only a testament to the hard work and dedication of the successful candidates but also a promising opportunity for those on the waiting list. As IBPS releases state-wise cut-off marks, candidates now have a clear understanding of the competitive scenario and marks required for selection. This waiting list is especially important for the 2024-25 recruitment cycle, which offers candidates the possibility to join Regional Rural Banks as Office Assistants. The announcement of the reserve list and cut-off marks increases the feeling of anticipation and curiosity among the candidates, thereby opening the doors to new career possibilities in the banking sector.

Institute of Banking Personal Selection (IBPS),
IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks,
CRP RRBs XII, 2023.

Important Dates

Online Registration Start01.06.2023
Last Date to Apply Online21.06.2023
Payment Date of Online Application Fee01.06.2023 to 21.06.2023
Download of Call Letters for Pre-Exam Training10.07.2023
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training17.07.2023 to 22.07.2023
Download of Call Letters for Online Examination – Preliminary26.07.2023
Online Examination Date – Preliminary12th, 13th, and 19th August 2023
IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Date 202316th September 2023
IBPS RRB Clerk mains Result Released date01.01.2024

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Result 2023 – Important Dates

Commencement of Result01 – 01 – 2024
Closure of Result31 – 01 – 2024

IBPS RRB Clerk Vacancy Details

Name of the PostIBPS RRB Clerk VacanciesTotal VacanciesIBPS RRB Clerk (Office Assistant) (Multipurpose)5538 Post8611 Post

IBPS RRB Ckerk Bank-wise and state-wise Vacancy Details here

IBPS RRB Clerk Minimum Scores (Online Main Examination out of 100)

For the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) CRP RRBs-XII (Annexure to Notification dated 01.01.2024) RESERVE LIST (subject to vacancies provided by RRBs & availability of candidates)

IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List,

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has officially released the IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List, bringing clarity and anticipation to candidates eagerly awaiting their results. This marks a significant step in the recruitment process, as successful candidates now have the opportunity to secure a position as an Office Assistant (Multipurpose) in regional rural banks.

IBPS RRB Clerk Cut-off marks,

IBPS has also revealed state-wise and category-wise cut-off marks, which provides valuable insight into the competitive landscape. This information serves as a guide for the candidates to assess their performance as per the prescribed criteria, thereby helping them understand the requirements of selection in their respective fields. The release of both the waiting list and cut-off marks increases transparency and ensures a fair and merit-based selection process for IBPS RRB Clerk Recruitment.

Andhra Pradesh:

In the IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List for Andhra Pradesh, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score49.2844.5754.6652.8555.13NA43.8847.53NA31.25

Arunachal Pradesh:

For Arunachal Pradesh, the reserve list and cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score42.6642.2240.1946.8848.25NANANANANA


In Assam, the reserve list and cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score43.5043.5049.1049.7254.25NA38.88NANANA
IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks State-Wise list
IBPS RRB Clerk Reserve List 2024 and Cut-Off Marks State-Wise list


For Bihar, in the IBPS RRB Clerk reserve list, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score40.6327.6654.7856.0756.32NA38.9744.72NA37.25


Chhattisgarh’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score46.5342.3856.0052.1054.9435.8245.8544.57NA35.91


For Gujarat, the reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score49.1650.6357.0352.5358.5327.8542.9735.50NA36.97


In Haryana, the minimum cutoff scores in the reserve list are as follows:

Minimum Score49.2541.3255.9156.9159.6329.5048.3838.22NA44.53

Himachal Pradesh:

Himachal Pradesh’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score49.0750.4752.3858.1360.94NA41.60NANA39.72

Jammu & Kashmir:

For Jammu & Kashmir, the reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score49.9141.3853.4448.2256.1033.6637.13NANA35.50


For Jharkhand, in the reserve list, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score45.3546.4157.0353.9759.2233.5737.9440.7229.6043.35


Karnataka’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score45.7843.6051.9450.6353.28NA37.1642.16NANA


For Kerala, in the reserve list, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score41.4132.5754.4443.0757.22NA36.66NANA36.75

Madhya Pradesh:

Madhya Pradesh’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score47.5742.7257.8557.4158.0732.2244.8844.47NA38.85


For Maharashtra, the reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score55.3544.2558.0056.4158.3843.8844.5753.1041.3234.41


In Manipur, the minimum cutoff scores in the reserve list are as follows:

Minimum Score48.8238.8556.19NA57.16NA40.63NANA37.50


Meghalaya’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum ScoreNA41.1643.4138.6648.66NA33.8844.94NANA


Mizoram’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum ScoreNA48.2233.47NA39.53NA36.07NANANA


In Nagaland, the reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score31.7848.9145.69NA45.72NANANANANA


For Odisha, in the reserve list, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score44.0738.7259.3253.9162.5028.9144.1934.35NA39.66


Puducherry’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score42.2844.3556.8233.9158.19NANANANANA


In the reserve list for Punjab, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score47.9438.5753.3557.0059.97NA39.1346.57NA38.72


Rajasthan’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score49.3247.7259.1658.3260.88NA49.72NANA42.38

Tamil Nadu:

For Tamil Nadu, the reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score50.1947.6059.0346.7859.25NA43.8548.35NA26.25


For Telangana, in the reserve list, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score44.0044.8551.2245.2251.60NA39.07NANANA


Tripura’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score50.7840.2256.2249.7558.44NA30.97NANA38.75

Uttar Pradesh:

In the reserve list for Uttar Pradesh, the minimum cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score46.5743.5353.7856.6959.2539.0743.3845.5328.6042.28


Uttarakhand’s reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score46.8245.3851.8255.7259.53NA49.7543.38NA41.85

West Bengal:

For West Bengal, the reserve list cutoff scores are as follows:

Minimum Score48.0341.0050.1652.3256.9128.8543.9437.2244.1936.44

Important Links

ActivityImportant Links
Mains ResultIBPS RRB Clerk Mains Result Link
Max Cut-Off MarksRRB Clerk Max Cut-Off Marks
Minimum Cut-Off ScoreIBPS Clerk Minimum Cut-Off Score
Reserve ListReserve List IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 Allotment
Provisional AllotmentIBPS Clerk Provisional Allotment Notice 2 |
VacancyIBPS Clerk RRB Vacancy Details
Main Admit CardClick Here
Prelims Exam Admi CardIBPS RRB Clerk Admit Card Download Link
Apply OnlineApply Online Link for IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 Exam
Download NotificationDownload IBPS RRB 12 Recruitment 2023 Notification pdf
Short NoticeIBPSC RRB 12 Short Notice
WebsiteIBPS Official Website

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List and Cut-off Marks Release

Q1: What is the IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List?

A1: The IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List is a compilation of candidates who have successfully cleared the Online Main Examination for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) under CRP RRBs-XII. These candidates are on standby, and their selection is subject to the availability of vacancies provided by RRBs.

Q2: How can I check if I am on the IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List?

A2: Candidates can check the IBPS official website or the notification released for the CRP RRBs-XII for the list of candidates in the waiting list. Individual scorecards can be accessed by logging into the IBPS candidate portal.

Q3: What is the significance of the state-wise and category-wise cut-off marks?

A3: The state-wise and category-wise cut-off marks provide a clear understanding of the minimum scores required for selection in different regions and categories. It helps candidates assess their performance and determine their eligibility for the waiting list.

Q4: Is the IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List valid for a specific period?

A4: Yes, the IBPS RRB Clerk Waiting List is typically valid for the recruitment cycle of 2024-25. Candidates on the waiting list may be considered for final selection based on the availability of vacancies and other relevant factors.

Q5: How often does IBPS release waiting lists and cut-off marks?

A5: IBPS releases waiting lists and cut-off marks as per the schedule outlined in the official notification for each recruitment cycle. The frequency may vary based on the specific recruitment drive.

Q6: Can candidates appeal or request a review of their scores and waiting list status?

A6: No, the scores and waiting list status declared by IBPS are final. There is no provision for review or appeals. Candidates are advised to refer to the official notification for any specific guidelines regarding the release of scores and waiting lists.

Q7: What should candidates do after checking the waiting list and cut-off marks?

A7: Candidates on the waiting list should stay updated with further instructions from IBPS. They may need to fulfill additional formalities or provide documents as per the guidelines issued by IBPS for final selection.

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