Computer Jobs 2019: Jobs For 10th, 12th Class 10000+ Vacancy

Computer Jobs

Computer Jobs 2019: Jobs For 10th, 12th Class 10000+ Vacancy: In the dynamic scenario of computer jobs in 2019, the demand for professionals skilled in data entry and computer operations is global. Governments at both the state and central levels, along with reputed private sector companies and organizations, are actively looking for qualified individuals to fill more than 50,000 vacancies annually. The role of a data entry or computer operator involves the meticulous process of inputting and updating data into computerized databases or relevant documents such as MS Word and MS Excel. This presents an important opportunity for Indian job seekers to find positions in data entry and computer operations.

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Computer Jobs 2019: Data Entry Jobs

There are plenty of positions available in both government and private sectors for those interested in exploring opportunities in Computer Jobs 2019, especially in data entry. Stay updated with the latest information on Data Entry Government Jobs and Computer-Based Government Jobs through our comprehensive table given below. This table not only lists the upcoming and latest government vacancies in Data Entry and Computer Jobs for 2019 but also provides essential details like application deadlines and recruitment notification links.

Government Jobs for Data Entry and Computer Operators: DEO Jobs – Computer Jobs in Govt Sector Vacancies List 2019-20:

Govt OrganizationDesignation – Total PostsLast Date for Apply
Maharashtra Postal CircleGramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) – 365030/11/2019
TN Postal CirclePostal Assistants, Postman, MTS – 23131/12/2019
North Western RailwayApprentice (Computer) – 100+08/12/2019
TNCSCAssistants – 10013/12/2019
UPPSCComputer Assistant – 1416/12/2019
NIT AgartalaVarious Assistants – 2329/11/2019
Jawaharlal Nehru UniversitySenior Assistant, Section Officer – 1109/12/2019
NABCONSAccounts Assistant, Office Assistant, DEO – 0630/11/2019
EESLData Entry Operators – 0430/11/2019
NIFTComputer Engineer – 1329/11/2019
CPCLJunior Accounts Assistant – 0103/12/2019
Food Craft Institute AligarhComputer Instructor – 0130/11/2019
Chhattisgarh Post OfficeGramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) – 179914/11/2019

Minimum Educational Qualification Required for Computer Jobs 2020 / DEO Jobs 2020:

12th Class Pass with Computer Knowledge / Diploma in Computer Application or equivalent / ITI in PASAA or COPA / Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or equivalent computer course from Government Recognized University / Institute.

Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Recruitment

In the field of government organizations, Maharashtra Postal Circle presents an attractive opportunity for potential candidates. With the designation of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS), this prestigious organization is looking to fill a total of 3650 posts. The importance of this role is underlined by its vital role in facilitating efficient postal services, especially in rural areas. As per the latest update, the last date to apply for this prestigious post is November 30, 2019. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications immediately to be considered for this remarkable opportunity within Maharashtra Postal Circle.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal PostsLast Date for Apply
Maharashtra Postal CircleGramin Dak Sevaks3650November 30, 2019

This carefully crafted information aims to provide interested individuals with a comprehensive overview of current job vacancies, ensuring that they are well-informed about important details such as the total number of posts and application deadlines. As Maharashtra Postal Circle looks to strengthen its workforce, this special occasion stands as a testament to the organization’s commitment to excellence in postal services and community outreach.

Tamil Nadu Postal Circle vacancies for Postal Assistants, Postmen and MTS

Within the Tamil Nadu Postal Circle, a unique opportunity awaits potential candidates as the organization has announced vacancies for Postal Assistants, Postmen and Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS). With a total vacancy number of 231, it offers a diverse range of roles within the postal services sector. The last date to apply for these prestigious posts has been fixed as December 31, 2019. This window provides a reasonable time frame for interested persons to submit their applications and apply for roles that contribute significantly to the efficient functioning of the postal system in Tamil Nadu.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
TN Postal CirclePostal Assistants, Postman, MTS231December 31, 2019

This announcement by Tamil Nadu Postal Circle underlines its commitment to strengthen its workforce and maintain the highest standards in postal services. As candidates locate these opportunities, they are encouraged to act promptly, ensuring that their applications are submitted before the specified deadlines. The roles of Postal Assistants, Postmen and MTS within the Tamil Nadu Postal Circle represent not only jobs but also opportunities to contribute to the seamless functioning of the state’s postal network.

North Western Railway Apprentice (Computer)

In the field of North Western Railway, a golden opportunity has emerged for interested persons with the announcement of vacancies for trainees specializing in computer skills. With the total number of vacancies exceeding 100, this initiative reflects the organization’s commitment to harnessing digital capabilities within the railway sector. The last date to apply for this prestigious post is December 8, 2019, which provides a reasonable deadline for enthusiastic candidates to show their expertise in computer-related subjects. As the railway sector is adopting technological advancements, the role of the Apprentice (Computer) within North Western Railway stands as a gateway for individuals to contribute to the digital transformation of railway operations.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
North Western RailwayApprentice (Computer)100+December 8, 2019

This announcement marks not only a job opportunity but also a chance for skilled professionals to play a key role in shaping the future of railway services. Interested candidates are encouraged to avail of this opportunity by submitting their applications before the specified deadline, demonstrating their commitment to advancing the digital landscape within North Western Railway.

Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation (TNCSC) Assistants Recruitment Notification

In the dynamic sector of Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation (TNCSC), an exciting opportunity of vacancies has come for the role of Assistants. With a total of 100 posts available, it presents a great opportunity for individuals to become integral contributors to the efficient functioning of the organization. The last date to apply for these coveted Assistant posts has been set as December 13, 2019, thereby providing a limited but important window to interested candidates to showcase their skills and secure a role within TNCSC.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
TNCSCAssistants100December 13, 2019

This announcement reflects TNCSC’s commitment to strengthening its workforce and maintaining excellence in civil supplies management. As candidates consider applying for these Assistant positions, they are encouraged to act promptly, ensuring that their applications are submitted before the specified deadline. The role of Assistants within TNCSC is not just a job, but an opportunity to contribute significantly to the Corporation’s mission of ensuring effective and timely civil supplies management in Tamil Nadu.

UPPSC Computer Assistant Recruitment Notification Released

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC), an exciting opportunity has come up with the announcement of vacancies for the role of Computer Assistant. With a total of 14 posts available, this opportunity reflects UPPSC’s commitment to enhancing its workforce with skilled professionals in the field of computer support. The last date to apply for these sought Computer Assistant posts has been set as December 16, 2019, thereby providing a set deadline for potential candidates to submit their applications and be considered for an important role within UPPSC.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
UPPSCComputer Assistant14December 16, 2019

This announcement not only marks a job opportunity but also a chance for qualified individuals to play an important role in the technical landscape of UPPSC. Interested candidates are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity by submitting their applications before the specified deadline, showing their proficiency in computer-related subjects and contributing to the Commission’s mission of efficient public service in Uttar Pradesh.

NIT Agartala Recruitment Notification Released

A promising opportunity has come up with the announcement of vacancies for various Assistant posts in the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala. With a total of 23 positions available, this presents an important opportunity for individuals to become integral contributors to the dynamic environment of NIT Agartala. The last date to apply for these Miscellaneous Assistant posts has been set as November 29, 2019, thereby providing a limited but important window for interested candidates to submit their applications and be considered for the required roles within NIT Agartala.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
NIT AgartalaVarious Assistants23November 29, 2019

This announcement underlines the commitment of NIT Agartala to grow its workforce and maintain excellence in various administrative and support functions. Potential candidates are urged to take immediate action to ensure that their applications are submitted before the specified deadline. Various Assistant posts in NIT Agartala represent not only job opportunities but also an opportunity for skilled professionals to contribute significantly to the academic and administrative efforts of this prestigious institute.

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Senior Assistant, Section Officer

Within the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), an attractive opportunity has arisen with the announcement of vacancies for the posts of Senior Assistant and Section Officer. With a total of 11 posts available, this presents a significant opportunity for individuals to become key contributors to the administrative and operational functions of JNU. The last date to apply for these important roles has been set as December 9, 2019, thereby providing a set deadline to interested candidates to submit their applications and be considered for important positions within the administrative structure of JNU.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)Senior Assistant, Section Officer11December 9, 2019

This announcement underlines JNU’s commitment to enhancing its administrative capabilities and maintaining operational excellence. Interested candidates are encouraged to act immediately, ensuring that their applications are submitted before the specified deadline. The posts of Senior Assistant and Section Officer within JNU indicate not only job opportunities but also a chance for skilled professionals to contribute significantly to the administrative efficiency and organizational advancement of this renowned educational institution.

Opportunities at NABCONS: Apply for Accounts Assistant, Office Assistant, and DEO

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Consultancy Services (NABCONS) offers an attractive opportunity with vacancies for the posts of Account Assistant, Office Assistant and Data Entry Operator (DEO). With a total of 6 positions available, this presents a significant opportunity for individuals to play a key role in the financial and operational aspects of NABCONS. The last date to apply for these roles has been set as November 30, 2019, thereby providing a specific deadline for interested candidates to submit their applications and be considered for key positions within NABCONS.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
NABCONSAccounts Assistant, Office Assistant, DEO6November 30, 2019

This announcement underlines NABCONS‘s commitment to strengthening its team in key functional areas. Interested candidates are urged to act immediately, ensure that their applications are submitted before the specified deadline. The posts of Accounts Assistant, Office Assistant and DEO within NABCONS represent not only job opportunities but also a chance for skilled professionals to contribute significantly to the financial and operational excellence of this prestigious financial institution.

Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) Data Entry Operators Vacancy Out

The Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) presents a valuable opportunity with the announcement of vacancies for the role of Data Entry Operators. With a total of 4 positions available, this represents an important opportunity for individuals to contribute to the efficient management of data within EESL. The last date to apply for these positions has been set as November 30, 2019, thereby providing a specific deadline to interested candidates to submit their applications and be considered for key roles within the organization.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)Data Entry Operators4November 30, 2019

This announcement underlines EESL’s commitment to grow its workforce in the field of data management. Interested candidates are encouraged to act immediately, ensuring that their applications are submitted before the specified deadline. The posts of Data Entry Operators within EESL not only indicate job opportunities but also a chance for skilled professionals to significantly contribute to the seamless and effective management of data within this renowned energy efficiency organization.

NIFT Computer Engineer Recruitment Notification Out

The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) has introduced a valuable opportunity with the announcement of vacancies for the post of Computer Engineer. With a total of 13 posts available, this presents a significant opportunity for skilled professionals to play a key role in the technical landscape of NIFT. The last date to apply for these positions has been set as November 29, 2019, thereby providing a specific deadline for interested candidates to submit their applications and be considered for key roles within the institute.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)Computer Engineer13November 29, 2019

This announcement underlines NIFT’s commitment to strengthening its technological capabilities. Interested candidates are urged to act immediately, ensure that their applications are submitted before the specified deadline. The post of Computer Engineer at NIFT.

CPCL vacancy for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant

Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) presents a remarkable opportunity with the announcement of vacancy for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant. This role represents a unique opportunity for a qualified professional to contribute to the financial operations of CPCL. Due to only one post available, interested candidates are advised to submit their applications immediately as the last date to apply is December 3, 2019.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL)Junior Accounts Assistant1December 3, 2019

Food Craft Institute in Aligarh Computer Instructor Recruitment Notification Out

The Food Craft Institute in Aligarh announces a valuable opportunity with a vacancy for the position of Computer Instructor. This position presents a singular opening for a qualified professional to contribute to the educational landscape of the institute. With only one position available, interested candidates are advised to submit their applications promptly, as the Last Date to apply is set for November 30, 2019.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
Food Craft Institute AligarhComputer Instructor1November 30, 2019

Chhattisgarh Post Office GDS Vacancies Released

Chhattisgarh Post Office invites applications for the post of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) with total 1799 vacancies. This presents an important opportunity for individuals seeking employment in the postal sector. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications immediately as the last date to apply is November 14, 2019.

Govt OrganizationDesignationTotal VacancyLast Date to Apply
Chhattisgarh Post OfficeGramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)1799November 14, 2019

The position of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) within the Chhattisgarh Post Office circle.

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